“Swim that Rock!” BPS Presents: Jay Primiano


Swim that Rock! BPS presents: Jay Primiano

Wednesday, November 12, 7 PM, Barrington Senior Center (lower level of Peck Library)

Dressed in orange, foul weather gear and carrying a bull rake, Jay Primiano will introduce readers and writers of all ages to his recently-published book Swim that Rock, inspired by summers spent fishing and quahogging on Narragansett Bay.

According to Primiano, everyone has “rocks” or challenges they need to face, and story-telling is a way to deal with those rocks. Primiano and his best friend John Rocco spent the summer of 1982 quahogging together on Narragansett Bay and created a story from that experience of an awkward young man who loses his father at sea, faces financial hardship and discovers his own strength working on the water.

Poet, author and performer Primiano creates characters that take on a life of their own, and charts the action, while John Rocco, a professional illustrator, provides drawings of Narragansett Bay and the tools of the quahogging trade.

Published last year, Swim that Rock is available in local bookstores.


Join the Barrington Preservation Society as we celebrate Barrington’s and Rhode Island’s maritime past with Jay Primiano.

The lecture is free and open to the public and complements the Barrington Preservation Society’s current museum exhibit: Barrington Ship to Shore. The museum (also on the lower level of Peck Library) will be open to the public at the conclusion of the lecture.